Sunday, May 2, 2010

"Les Dimanches de Ville-d'Avray" au Champo

Today, I decided to relax. Instead of going to some exhibit on fashion with Alexandra and Paola (which undoubtedly would have put me to sleep since I'm still a little tired), I practiced my flute, read a little, and went to go see an old movie at Le Champo, an old movie theater in the Latin Quarter right next to La Sorbonne. It first opened in 1938, burned down in 1941, and was reconstructed. It's cute, little, and shows old movies. I saw "Les Dimanches de Ville-d'Avray." It was another post-war disillusioned movie about a man who had psychological (by the way, in French, you pronounce the P in psychologique) problems after bombing a village during the war and who met a young girl with whom he felt better. Of course, everyone misinterpreted their relationship and it ended up being depressing - he died and the girl thought she was no longer a person. But, it was really well done. I liked the filming, and the writing - old movies have such charm. They talked differently too. I suppose it's natural that the French language has changed a little since the 1960's. Old American movie actors talked a little differently too. This movie reminded me of Harvey a little, but it was depressing and there was really no rabbit. Or was there?

After the movie, I got some Berthillon ice cream (no surprise there, I'm sure): raspberry with a hint of rose, and white chocolate! Then, dinner with M. and Mme De La Taille. Yes, M. De La Taille is finally back from the country. After dinner, Mme and I watched a movie on television - Au revoir les enfants. It was about the Holocaust. A priest in a Catholic school tried to hide Jewish boys there, but they ended up getting caught and all died in concentration camps. I swear, French movies are almost as uplifting as their books!

Well, that was my vacation. It's actually a relief to go back to a schedule and classes and work. It's not hard to find things to do in Paris for two weeks straight, but it is tiring. University life is much more relaxing. At least, it is here.

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