Thursday, April 29, 2010

Emma est partie, donc j'ai dormi !

This morning, I slept really well and didn't wake up until I got a text from Emma saying she made it to Spain. Thank goodness! Then, I went back to bed and woke up to another text from Alexandra asking if I was awake and why I wasn't on the computer. She wanted to give me back my flute, so I hurried and met her in front of Notre-Dame to get it. I feel so much more complete now that I have it back. I got a Lebanese sandwich and baklava, then went home to relax a little bit before meeting Eileen (have I mentioned her? I must have - she's my German friend!) to watch Wicked, How I Met Your Mother, and go out.

While we were watching the third episode of How I Met Your Mother (really funny!), Alexandra texted me and said that she and Paola were at the theater for Le Roi Lion and that we could buy student tickets for next Wednesday's performance if I got there right away, so...guess who gets to see Le Roi Lion a 10th time. It's funny, because I had said I was never going to see it again. Then, I see it twice in two weeks...I'm a liar, I guess.

I went back to Eileen's place (she's right - it is smaller than some of the tombs at Pere Lachaise) and we went to this one bar she likes that give free mussels and fries if you order a drink on Thursday's (I got a kir!) and then to a Canadian bar where I got poutine! It's nice to have real Canadian food again immediately following my Breakfast in America from last night. It's like I never even left Buffalo. But now, I'm going to bed so I can sleep in tomorrow too!

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