Friday, February 19, 2010

Living on Line 4

I'm sick. It stinks. Last night, I had a really hard time going to sleep because of this cold, which was not the best planning on my part, since I had a lot to do this morning. First, I had to wake up really early so I could be at Clignancourt at 9:00 for my philosophy CM. It's quite a trip: I take line 14 to Châtelet, then line 4 all the way to the end, Porte de Clignancourt. The class was only an hour - an hour of talking about what humanism is - then I got back onto line 4 and went to the second last stop in the other direction for my flute lesson. Then, after playing some Mozart in French (music is supposed to be the universal language, but lessons are a little different in French, but still good!), I got back onto line 4 and went to Saint-Michel and met up with the James', fellow Buffalonians in Paris! We had a traditional French lunch - including onion soup, rotisserie chicken, French fries, and chocolate mousse for dessert! Actually, I'm not exactly sure if that's a traditional French lunch since I've mostly been getting stuff on the street or eating in university restaurants with other Americans for lunch. And yes, I know that French fries are Belgian. Here's a picture of our lunch.

Then, tonight, I went back to Châtelet to meet Alexandra. We watched "L'autre Dumas," the new Gerard Depardieu movie about Alexandre Dumas and his ghost writer Auguste Maquet. It was an enjoyable movie - it certainly won't go down in history as one of the greats. But I liked watching it, and it was an interesting story. Gerard Depardieu really looked like Alexandre Dumas! Who knew he was so fat? Just kidding - Lorelai did, in the Gilmore Girls episode when they were in Paris. She said (approximately): "Now I know why French people are so skinny: no midnight snacks!" Chris responded, "Then how do you explain Gerard Depardieu?" and she said "That's easy - he's hogging all the food!" After the movie, we went back to Saint-Michel and got drinks. Yes, I know that seems like a weird sentence for me to write. But yes, I had a drink - a banana colada. That's even what the menu said - I think we picked the wrong bar. All the music was in English, as was the menu. But, at least they served the drink with a sparkler! It was pretty. I still don't really like alcohol, though.

Tomorrow, we're probably going to take Therese (a friend who's studying abroad in London and is visiting Paris this weekend) around to the sites, so I'll have some more pictures then - I've realized I haven't taken pictures since Monday. I'm such a bad tourist.

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