Saturday, December 19, 2009


Apparently, when students study abroad, they make blogs. So, now I have to learn how to make a blog, though everything I do on the internet ends up sounding informal and boring. Hopefully, I'll learn to make a good blog!

A few days ago, I found out my host family. I'm going to be in the 13th arrondissement in Paris, right by the National Library! This was basically the best news I could have asked for, since the National Library is where the l'OuLiPo meetings will be once a month, and I'm sure I'm going to walk in and fall in love with all the old books and never leave. I'm going to have a host brother named Pierre who's 19, a piano, and no pets. So, that's practically like what I'm used to, I suppose, except I've never had a piano!

I suppose I'll try to update this once a week, but I still have a month until I leave and since I probably won't do anything interesting until then, there might not be a ton to write. But hopefully, on January 17th when I arrive in Paris, I'll have more to say, I'll forget all my English, and have a newfound appreciation for red wine!

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